Midnight Run is one my favorite movies from the late ’80s. It stars Robert De Niro as a bounty hunter named Jack Walsh who gets into all sorts of trouble trying to take Jonathan “The Duke” Mardukas, played by Charles Grodin, back to Los Angeles for a $100,000 bounty. During the trip, Walsh and The Duke have to deal with the mafia, other bounty hunters, and the FBI in this action-packed, comedy from 1988. If you haven’t seen it, we highly recommend you check it out as soon as you can.
In this scene, Walsh and The Duke escape a couple of mob hitmen thanks to another bounty hunter, Marvin Dorfler, played by John Ashton, whom the mob boss offered $25,000 to bring in The Duke. It’s just one of the hilarious scenes in Midnight Run.
Enjoy this look back at Jack Walsh and “The Duke” Mardukas escaping the mafia with the help of another bumbling bounty hunter in 1988’s Midnight Run!