Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie was released in 1980 as the follow up to their 1978 movie Up in Smoke. One of the best scenes in the movie is this one where Cheech and Chong visit the welfare office after Cheech was fired from his job. While Cheech and his welfare officer Donna, who happens to be his girlfriend, start making out in her office, Chong sits down next to Michael Winslow from Police Academy fame who can make almost any sound with his mouth, and it is hilarious!
Enjoy the welfare office scene from Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie from 1980!
P.S. Click here to check out another hilarious scene from Cheech and Chong where Chong tricks Cheech into sticking his face into a bag of soap, and then he accidentally drinks urine from a glass Chong is taking to his probation officer.
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