1984 was the biggest year in Steve Perry’s solo career! It was the year he released his first solo album, Street Talk, which produced two of Perry’s biggest charting singles of his solo career. The first single released from Street Talk was Oh Sherrie, which peaked at number three on the Hot 100 chart and number one on the Mainstream Rock chart. He followed it up with three more singles that were moderate hits on Hot 100 before scoring his third top 20 hit on the Hot 100 chart with the fifth and last single, Foolish Heart, from Street Talk. Foolish Heart peaked at number 18 on the Hot 100 chart and number two on the AC chart. It remains his highest charting single on the AC chart.
The music video is unique in that it is one continuous shot from beginning to end. Enjoy this look back at Steve Perry’s music video for Foolish Heart!
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