The ’80s brought us some of the most iconic movie lines of all time. In this video, CineFix – IGN Movies and TV has put together the 100 Most Iconic Movie Lines of All Time, and luckily for us, they’ve included so many lines from our favorite ’80s movies.
To help you find your favorite quote from the ’80s, here’s a list of every movie quote in the video:
0:20 Citizen Kane
0:21 The Usual Suspects
0:27 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
0:35 Dirty Harry
0:41 Blade Runner
0:58 Good Morning, Vietnam
1:02 Apocalype Now
1:04 Jaws
1:06 Top Gun
1:10 Back to the Future
1:15 Raiders of the Lost Ark
1:19 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
1:24 As Good As It Gets
1:27 Dirty Dancing
1:28 Brokeback Mountain
1:30 Love Story
1:32 Casablanca
1:34 A Streetcar Named Desire
1:39 Sunset Boulevard
1:41 Hell’s Angels
1:44 To Have and Have Not
1:50 Who Framed Roger Rabbit
1:53 The Graduate
1:55 When Harry Met Sally
2:01 Scarface
2:03 The Godfather
2:05 The Godfather 2
2:09 Psycho
2:11 The Empire Strikes Back
2:14 Batman (1989)
2:16 Spartacus
2:18 Dr. No
2:21 Princess Bride
2:29 The Goonies
2:31 The Sandlot
2:32 Sixth Sense
2:34 The Exorcist
2:38 Frankenstein
2:43 Forrest Gump
2:49 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
2:55 The Shawshank Redemption
2:59 Braveheart
3:05 Fields of Dreams
3:08 Babe
3:13 Apollo 13
3:15 Cool Hand Luke
3:20 Taxi Driver
3:21 Fight Club
3:24 Dr. Strangelove
3:26 Motty Python and the Holy Grail
3:28 The Karate Kid
3:31 The Matrix
3:33 Die Hard
3:34 Poltergeist
3:36 The Warriors (1979)
3:41 Silence of the Lambs
3:46 Wall Street
3:50 Jerry Maguire
3:52 There Will Be Blood
3:55 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
3:57 Good Will Hunting
3:59 Dazed and Confused
4:02 This is Spinal Tap
4:03 The Terminator
4:04 Chinatown
4:06 King Kong
4:10 On the Waterfront
4:13 All About Eve
4:17 Planet of the Apes
4:25 Network
4:29 Gladiator
4:30 300
4:33 The Lord of the Rings
4:37 Star Trek 2
4:39 Dog Day Afternoon
4:41 Midnight Cowboy
4:42 Aliens (1986)
4:44 Predator (1987)
4:46 The Shining
4:48 A Few Good Men
4:50 Toy Story (1995)
4:53 White Heat
4:56 Titanic
4:59 Rocky 2
5:01 A League Of Their Own
5:03 The Naughty Nineties
5:05 Return Of Sherlock Holmes
5:07 Se7en
5:09 2001: A Space Odyssey
5:11 Gone with the Wind
5:13 Zoolander
5:15 The Dark Knight
5:17 Airplane!
5:20 Some Like It Hot
5:21 Sudden Impact
5:25 E.T: The Extra Terrestrial
5:28 The Wizard of Oz
5:31 Terminator 2: Judgement Day
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