If you were a kid or a teenager in the ’80s, you either owned or wanted to own one or more of the 10 things below. Nothing was worse in school than to watch the “cool kids” walk into class with a new pair of Air Jordans or sporting the coolest new Trapper Keeper.
And, what ’80s party was complete without a boombox booming out an ’80s tune from Journey, Bon Jovi, or Run D.M.C.! And what ’80s kid didn’t want a Walkman portable stereo headset? I remember when I got my first Sony Walkman for Christmas. That would have been the best Christmas ever except that honor went to the year I got my Atari 2600. That Christmas remains the best Christmas ever because the ability to have an arcade in your house was the greatest invention an ’80s kid could have dreamed of.
Let’s go back to the ’80s today with 10 things that every kid in the ’80s either owned or wanted to own!
A Pair of Air Jordans

A Trapper Keeper

An Atari 2600

A Swatch Watch

Teddy Ruxpin

Leg Warmers

A Cabbage Patch Doll (or Two)

Slogan T-Shirts

A Boombox

A Walkman

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